Travels with Mom and Dad II
After the first day we had together since I left Germany 5 month before, we spent a few days in Christchurch before we left to Oamaru and Dunedin. Mom and Dad still didn't completely got over their Jetlag yet and Christchurch is a nice place to stay for a while. The gondola up the hills of Christchurch is a very nice experience and the view from the top simply amazing. On our way down we saw a wild Kea, the first one Mom and Dad ever saw. A little bit like the trams in Lisbon- the Christchurch tram tour. We had a lot of fun, hopped on and off a couple times and saw as much from the city as we could. The botanical gardens were another must-see, especially the New Zealand gardens. This tree makes mom and me look even smaller than we already are.. We stayed one night in Oamaru so Dad didn't had do drive all the way to Dunedin at once. In the evening we tried to see some wild Little Blue Penguins, but it was freezing cold and too dark to see anything...